Do You Have A Plan For Improving Your Spouse?

All of us with husbands and wives are beautifully positioned to make them better human beings. Unfortunately, many of us are squandering the opportunity.

Today I’d like to help fix that.

With the possible exception of your children, there is no one you’re likely to be closer to than a spouse. Being with someone day and night over a protracted period conveys more understanding than pretty much anything else. Along with that comes opportunity. No one can present and support more ideas; no one can better nurture attitudes; no one will have more “right times” to insert a useful word, feeling, encouragement or compliment.

And so the position of spouse can be of immense effect. What I’m suggesting today is that we use it consciously and intelligently.

I am fully certain that we can make each other better people. Wives can make their husbands better and husbands can make their wives better. No one is better placed, no one has better reason for doing it, and no one will be better able to make course corrections as they go.

This, in a better world, would be glaringly obvious to us and would come to us naturally. It doesn’t, of course, and so I’ll start by going through the major obstacles I see.

Our Culture of Complaint

Humans like to complain. More than that, we gain a sort of status from it; or, as we used to say, “bragging rights.” We’re suffering, but continue performing our duties anyway. We overcome the stupid obstacles thrown in front of us by stupid people. And so on. It conveys an image of vibrance and nobility, and we can generate that image upon demand.

Bear in mind, please, that I’m not saying these quasi-boasts are false. Very often they are not. (Though they tend to be poorly-directed). The problem with complaint is that it becomes a go-to, feel-good tool, and displaces more important uses of mind. Uses like actually solving problems.

Ultimately, the culture of complaint treats circumstances as fate and absolves us from all responsibility for improving ourselves and our families.

I’m quite sure you can see how this undermines any plan for making our spouses better.

Adversarial Images

Women and men have always developed adversarial images of each other, based (at least loosely) on legitimate reasons.

Firstly, we’re born with an innate and overpowering reproductive urge (the need for sex) and thus we are forced together. In a better world, we’d handle this far better and teach our children to handle it far better, but here we are now, and so we must deal with where we are now.

Propelled by our very bodies, we still try to find mates we appreciate in as many ways as possible. Choosing is hard, however, and we’re all doing it under biological pressures, not to mention the pressures applied by other people. (I think we’re generally getting better at this, but it remains an issue.)

The conditions spawned by this, combined with our culture of complaint, seem to promote wives complaining about husbands, husbands complaining about wives and so on. And in some ways, this is fine. Wives, for example, often compare strategies for dealing with the oddities of their husbands.

Still, once this becomes habitual, it focuses us on our spouse’s shortcomings, rather than seeing how to improve them.

Making it worse these days are professional polarizers: Women employed in complaining about men, and men employed in complaining about women. What’s missing are people helping and encouraging the young to forge actual relationships. 


The consistent message of pop culture is that love is about salving insecurities. How many “I need you” songs have you heard? And wouldn’t “I want you more than I need you” be a bigger compliment?

Our culture, then, sees insecurity as a fundamental pivot, with love turning upon it. I think that’s deeply mistaken. Love is a desire to bless… a hunger to bless. It is not based upon insecurity; rather, it works to remove the insecurities of a beloved.

Far too many relationships involve the matching of insecurities rather than eliminating them. And as that goes on, people learn not to believe in their own worth, finding safety in the fact that their spouse is a little bit more insecure than they are.

The Fields Are White For Harvest

The couples of the West, then, have wide and fertile vistas in front of them. Whether or not your plan is formal and written, you have it in your power to make your spouse a better person and I’m recommending that you give it some serious thought.

If you do this with any degree of success (which I think is as close to guaranteed as we can get), you’ll make your spouse better, make your family better, and you’ll almost certainly find yourself becoming better.

The whole thing is a massive win-win cycle. And so I recommend starting as soon as possibly.

Good luck!


Paul Rosenberg

2 thoughts on “Do You Have A Plan For Improving Your Spouse?”

  1. I have been married for 41 years and counting, and my wife and I are happy, more so now than ever before. However, I have never focused on making her a better person, but rather on making myself a better husband – specifically a better husband for her. She is not a typical woman, whatever that may be, but I find her well-suited to me, and I really want her to be happy.
    I will note that about six months after we were married, we were visiting my family for Christmas, and it was the first prolonged contact she had had with them. The day before we were to leave to go back to our home, something was said or done, and my mother commented, “It’s a good thing you two married each other, so that you didn’t ruin two normal marriages.”
    We have always treasured that comment, and are grateful that rather than being “normal”, whatever that may be, we are joyful.

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